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displayStack() - Method in interface IStack
Pretty prints the stack's elements, starting from the top-most element to the bottom.
displayStack() - Method in class Stack


insertBottom(char) - Method in interface IStack
Inserts the specified element to the bottom of the stack.
insertBottom(char) - Method in class Stack
isEmpty() - Method in interface IStack
Checks if the stack is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class Stack
isFull() - Method in interface IStack
Checks if the stack is full.
isFull() - Method in class Stack
IStack - Interface in <Unnamed>


length() - Method in interface IStack
Returns the length of the stack.
length() - Method in class Stack


main(String[]) - Static method in class Main
Main - Class in <Unnamed>
Main() - Constructor for class Main
makeNull() - Method in interface IStack
Clears the stack.
makeNull() - Method in class Stack
MAX - Static variable in class Stack
The macro definition similar to the C header files.


pop() - Method in interface IStack
Removes the element at the top of the stack if the stack is not empty.
pop() - Method in class Stack
push(char) - Method in interface IStack
Pushes a character element onto the top of the stack if there is space.
push(char) - Method in class Stack


Stack - Class in <Unnamed>
This class represents a stack data structure that can store characters.
Stack() - Constructor for class Stack


top() - Method in interface IStack
Returns the element at the top of the stack, otherwise '\0' if the stack is empty.
top() - Method in class Stack
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